Understanding Async/Await in Python

Understanding Async/Await in Python

Async/await is a powerful tool in Python that can significantly enhance your programming skills. In this post, we'll delve into the high-level workings of async/await and then venture into its fundamental implementation. We'll also compare and contrast async/await with threads, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of this fantastic tool.

A Quick Aside About This Article

All the examples discussed in this post are available for you to run on my GitHub. Clone my Blog Posts repository, navigate to the "python-async-await" directory, and run the example you're interested in using uv. This hands-on approach will allow you to grasp the concepts more effectively.

git clone https://github.com/ZechCodes/Blog-Posts/
cd Blog-Posts/python-async-await
uv run example-1-sync-requests.py

Why Use Async/Await

Async/await allows functions to release control to run other functions. Releasing is very helpful when a function needs to wait on something that blocks until a response is received.

The Problem - Blocking Functions

When a function has to wait on something slow, it blocks the current thread, stopping all code from running in it. This often results from some kind of network request: database query, web request, etc. Let's look at an example of requesting multiple web pages using the requests package.

Example 1

import requests
import time

def request_page(page):
    start_request = time.perf_counter()
    end_request = time.perf_counter()
    return page.rsplit("/", 1)[1], end_request - start_request

def main():
    pages = ["https://google.com", "https://facebook.com", "https://amazon.com", "https://apple.com", "https://netflix.com"]

    start = time.perf_counter()
    total_duration = 0
    for page in pages:
        name, duration = request_page(page)
        total_duration += duration
        print(f"Requested {name} in {duration:.2f} seconds")

    end = time.perf_counter()
    print(f"Run time {end - start:0.2f} seconds, cumulative run time {total_duration:0.2f} seconds")

if __name__ == "__main__":

The total run time is roughly the same as the cumulative run time of each request. So, it's apparent that the requests are being made in sequence, and the code is stopping as it waits for each request response.

It would be much faster if the requests didn't block each other and could run concurrently. Here is where async/await comes in.

A Solution - Async/Await

Async/await lets functions release control when they block, enabling concurrency and maximizing how much of the time the code is running. Let's look at the same example but use the httpx package so the requests run concurrently.

Example 2

import asyncio
import httpx
import time

async def request_page(page):
    start_request = time.perf_counter()
    async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
        await client.get(page)
        end_request = time.perf_counter()

    return page.rsplit("/", 1)[1], end_request - start_request

async def main():
    pages = ["https://google.com", "https://facebook.com", "https://amazon.com", "https://apple.com", "https://netflix.com"]

    start = time.perf_counter()
    tasks = [asyncio.create_task(request_page(page)) for page in pages]
    total_duration = 0
    for next_result in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
        site, duration = await next_result
        total_duration += duration
        print(f"Requested {site} in {duration:.2f} seconds")

    end = time.perf_counter()
    print(f"Run time {end - start:0.2f} seconds, cumulative run time {total_duration:0.2f} seconds")

if __name__ == "__main__":

When we run it, we see that the run time is always less than the cumulative run time and slightly longer than the slowest request. From this, we can gather that each request runs concurrently and that no request is blocking while waiting for a response.

What Even Is Async/Await

Async/await can seem a bit intimidating and magical, but at its core, it is actually quite simple. So, let's dive in and get a better understanding of how an async runtime can accept control back from a function when it needs to block and coordinate running other functions in that downtime.


Let's imagine that when we request a web page, we receive an iterable, like a list. From this iterable we get WAIT until the response is received, at which point the iterable gives that response.

Example 3

WAIT = object()
request = [WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, "Hello World from Request One!!!"]
for next_iteration in request:
    match next_iteration:
        case str() as result:
            print(f"The result is {result!r}")
        case _:

Next, let's imagine we have a second request iterable. We could process the first request and then the second. It would block on the first request and then run the second request.

Example 4

WAIT = object()

def process(request_iterator):
    match request_iterator.pop(0):
        case str() as result:
            return result
        case _:

def main():
    request_1 = [WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, "Request One!!!"]
    request_2 = [WAIT, "Request Two!!!"]
    result = process(request_1)
    while not result:
        result = process(request_1)


    result = process(request_2)
    while not result:
        result = process(request_2)


if __name__ == "__main__":

When we run this, we see that the first request finishes before the second because it is started first and blocks until it is done.

Let's try interleaving these iterators to get a form of concurrency.

Example 5

WAIT = object()

def process(request_iterator):
    match request_iterator.pop(0):
        case str() as result:
            return result
        case _:

def main():
    request_1 = [WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, "Request One!!!"]
    request_2 = [WAIT, "Request Two!!!"]
    request_iterators = [request_1, request_2]
    while request_iterators:
        for i, request_iterator in enumerate(request_iterators):
            if result := process(request_iterator):
                del request_iterators[i]

if __name__ == "__main__":

Here, we're creating a stack of iterators and iterating through them repeatedly. When we reach the end of an iterator, it is removed from the stack. This results in processing request 1, then request 2, then request 1 again, and so on, until we get a result from one of them. At that point, we remove it from the stack and continue with the other.

When we run this code, we see that request 2 finishes first because it has fewer WAITs before the result.

Lists are interesting in this use case but only somewhat useful. They're great for data sequences, but we need a way to run logic between the data.

Generators: Iterators that run code

Enter generators. Generators are functions that behave like iterators using the yield statement. When they run, their code acts like code in a function. When a yield is used, though, the function pauses, and a value is sent back to the code that invoked the generator. The generator function is then reactivated, picking back up at the yield and continuing as normal.

Let's take a quick crash course through generators by looking at a few examples.

Example 6

def example_generator():
    return "Result"

def main():
    example = example_generator()
    except StopIteration as err:
        print(f"Finished with {err.value}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Let's go through that step by step to help better understand it.

  1. main creates the example_generator. No code in the generator runs at this point.

  2. main prints "Starting"

  3. main calls send on the generator example running the code in the generator function

  4. example_generator prints "Hello" and then yields, pausing the generator function, giving control back to main

  5. main runs and prints "Paused"

  6. main calls send on the generator example running the code in the generator function, picking up where it paused

  7. example_generator prints "World" and then returns "Result" raising a StopIteration error

  8. main catches the raised error, captures the return from the value property of the exception, and prints "Finished with Result" before exiting

Now, let's try something a bit crazier.

Example 7

def generator_a():
    returned_value = yield from generator_b()
    print(f"A got {returned_value!r}")
    return "Return From A"

def generator_b():
    yield "Yielded From B"
    return "Return From B"

def main():
    gen = generator_a()
        print(f"Main got {gen.send(None)!r}")
        print(f"Main got {gen.send(None)!r}")  # This print causes StopIteration and doesn't print
    except StopIteration as err:
        print(f"Main got {err.value!r}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Here, we're using yield from to start a generator from within a generator, passing control downwards. A generator started with yield from will yield into the function that called send on the top-level generator. Let's walk through this to try and make that more understandable:

  1. main creates generator_a

  2. main calls send on gen running its code

  3. generator_a then yields from generator_b

  4. generator_b then yields "Yielded From B"

  5. main prints "Main got 'Yielded From B'"

  6. main calls send on gen

  7. generator_b returns "Return From B"

  8. generator_a prints "A got 'Return From B'"

  9. generator_a returns "Return From A"

  10. main prints "Main got 'Return From A'"

  11. The program exits

Helpful Info

yield from is a magical bit of syntax. It's syntactic sugar for doing something specific: passing yielded values back up the call stack.

Here's a quick example:

yield from generator_b()

is functionally identical to:

for value in generator_b():
    yield value

Isn't yield from so much nicer?

Everyone ok? Everyone got that? It's a lot to process, so don't worry about it. All you need to take away from this is that a generator is an iterator that also runs code. Here's an elementary example showing that a generator is just a very complex iterator that runs code in between values:

Example 8

def generator():
    for i in range(5):
        print(f"Yielding {i}")
        yield i

def main():
    for i in generator():
        print(f"main got {i}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

That means we can take Example 5 and rewrite it as generators:

Example 9

def process(request_iterator):
    except StopIteration as err:
        return err.value

def request_1_generator():
    for i in range(3):

    return "Request One!!!"

def request_2_generator():
    for i in range(1):

    return "Request Two!!!"

def main():
    request_1 = request_1_generator()
    request_2 = request_2_generator()
    request_iterators = [request_1, request_2]
    while request_iterators:
        for i, request_iterator in enumerate(request_iterators):
            if result := process(request_iterator):
                del request_iterators[i]

if __name__ == "__main__":

That is functionally the same as Example 5, but it uses yield to indicate a "wait" and generators instead of lists.

At this point, if you squint really hard, you might begin to be able to see how this is going to turn into async/await.

Coroutines: Generators by a different name

That was a lot to take in, but the fundamental structure of async functions and awaits is starting to come together. Now is an excellent time to introduce "coroutines." A coroutine is an async function implemented as a generator. It uses yield to pass control back upwards to the code that owns the top-level generator object. This is how coroutines pause when they have to wait on something that is blocking.

A coroutine can also use yield from to wait on another coroutine, passing control downwards to that coroutine. You can think of this as calling that coroutine and letting it take control until it completes. Any yields in the new coroutine appear to come from the calling coroutine. Here's a simple example:

Example 10

def coroutine_a():
    for _ in range(5):

    result = yield from coroutine_b()

def coroutine_b():
    for _ in range(10):

    return "Hello World"

def main():
    wait_counter = 0
    routine = coroutine_a()
    while True:
            wait_counter += 1
        except StopIteration:

    print(f"Waited {wait_counter} times")

if __name__ == "__main__":

When run, we see that it says it has waited 15 times. There are five waits in coroutine_a and another 10 in coroutine_b. So our main function is seeing the waits in coroutine_b even though it only ran coroutine_a.

We also see that when coroutine_a used yield from to run coroutine_b, it was able to capture the return in very much the same way as if coroutine_b had been a standard function that it had called without yield from.

Coroutines are not magic; they are just a specific use of generators that leverage pretty much every single generator feature that Python has to offer.

Translating This to Async/Await

All right, we've covered much stuff and built up to coroutines. At this point, we've implemented async/await using generator syntax. Python has special syntax for its native coroutines to make distinguishing between generators and coroutines easier. Ultimately, async/await in Python is syntactic sugar for a special kind of generator.

So, let's look at a rough and quick conversion of coroutine_a and coroutine_b to the async/await syntax.

Example 11

import asyncio

cycles = 0

class Sleep:
    def __init__(self, cycles):
        self.cycles = cycles

    def __await__(self):
        """ Dropping into the async/await API to let us use a generator as a coroutine."""
        global cycles
        for _ in range(self.cycles):
            cycles += 1

async def coroutine_a():
    await Sleep(5)
    result = await coroutine_b()

async def coroutine_b():
    await Sleep(10)
    return "Hello World"

async def main():
    await coroutine_a()
    print(f"Waited for {cycles} cycles")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Python doesn't provide a way to sleep for a set number of cycles, so I've implemented a simple Sleep type that uses a generator as a coroutine to sleep for a given number of cycles. This brings us to event loops, which cause the Sleep coroutine to iterate and update the cycles counter.

The Event Loop

The event loop coordinates all the running coroutines, taking control when one yields and iterating all the others in turn, giving each control. In many of the earlier examples, there's a while loop in the main function; it is a very rudimentary "event loop" managing each of the coroutines.

A more fully featured event loop should provide ways to add new top-level tasks, stop all running tasks, and offer futures. For the sake of exercise, let's look at a simple event loop implementation using generators.

Example 12

import time

class Future:
    def __init__(self):
        self.finished = False
        self.value = None

    def close(self):
        self.finished = True

    def send(self, _):
        if self.finished:
            err = StopIteration()
            err.value = self.value
            raise err

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        return self.send(None)

class Task(Future):
    def __init__(self, coro):
        self.coro = coro

    def send(self, value):
            return self.coro.send(value)
        except StopIteration as e:
            self.value = e.value
            self.finished = True
            raise e

    def close(self):

class EventLoop:
    running_loop = None
    def __init__(self):
        self.tasks = []

    def create_task(self, coro):
        future = Task(coro)
        return future

    def run_until_complete(self):
        EventLoop.running_loop = self
            while True:
                while self.tasks:
                    task = self.tasks.pop(0)
                    except StopIteration:

    def stop(self):
        for task in self.tasks:

        EventLoop.running_loop = None

    def run(cls, coro):
        loop = cls()

def sleep(delay):
    start_time = time.time()
    while time.time() < start_time + delay:

def do_stuff():
    yield from sleep(1)
    print("Doing more stuff")
    result = yield from do_more_stuff()

def do_more_stuff():
    yield from sleep(2)

    return "Hello World"

def countdown():
    for i in range(10, 0, -1):
        yield from sleep(1)

    print("TAKE OFF!!!!!")

def main():
    future = EventLoop.running_loop.create_task(countdown())
    yield from sleep(0.5)
    yield from do_stuff()
    yield from future
    print("Main is exiting")

if __name__ == "__main__":

This example implements a loop that can create tasks and stop running tasks. It provides a Future type for awaiting a value and a Task type that wraps a coroutine in a future. It also has a primitive sleep function that yields until a given time delay has passed.

Running this starts the main coroutine and creates a new top-level task for the countdown coroutine. This countdown coroutine then runs concurrently with main and the coroutines it yields from. main even yields from the countdown future to wait on it before exiting.

This implementation is barebones, but it shows how to implement a simple event loop for generator-based coroutines. At the most fundamental level, this is doing what Python's asyncio package is doing under the hood when you call asyncio.run.

You can check out Example 13 to see how to write these coroutines using Python's asyncio and the async/await syntax.

How Threads Differ

Now that we've gone through how async/await works and implemented a basic version using generators, you're probably wondering how this differs from using threads.

Async/await lets functions yield control back to the event loop. It only works with functions and relies on them to indicate when to run a new task. Since the event loop is part of the application code, everything happens within the application's runtime. This makes it great for IO-bound tasks, as the function knows when it is waiting on an IO task.

Threads, on the other hand, are an OS-level construct that allows code to run in parallel, not just functions. Concurrency comes from running threads on separate CPU cores, giving true parallelism. In cases where there aren't enough CPU cores, the OS can pause threads and switch to another thread; this happens entirely outside the application code.

Because threads can work without regard for what is happening in the code, they are excellent for CPU-bound tasks. They can run code in parallel and take advantage of multiple CPU cores, which is why they are often used for image processing, machine learning, and other computation-heavy tasks.

Async/Await & Parallelism

Python's async/await is not parallelism; it is concurrency. The event loop can keep multiple tasks working towards completion, but only one can be active. In other languages, it is possible to run tasks in multiple threads to get parallel async/await tasks, but this is not currently possible because of Python's GIL.

Future versions of Python may be free-threaded, allowing for parallel async/await tasks. Until then, if you need parallelism, you'll need to use threads or processes. asyncio actually has tools to run functions in a thread that you can await a result from; check out run_in_executor for more information.


Async/await is a powerful tool for writing more effective code. It can seem a bit magical, but at its core, it is actually quite simple. Iteration, generators, and a clever application of fairly common syntax are all it boils down to.

I hope you found this article helpful in improving your understanding of how async/await works and that it gave you a better understanding of how to use it in your code.